Alternative Energy
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Alternative Energy
This section was created to help everyone find ways to save Energy and Money, while moving America towards freedom from our dangerous addiction to Oil. Keeping Mother Earth healthy will be our reward.
I am retired now, but for years I have looked for ways to help others understand the benefits of a better kind of Energy, Alternative Energy. Working together, we can bring Alternative Energy to the whole World, one home at a time.
Al Gore and a few thousand of his closest friends would like to move America away from Fossil Fuel dependency.
And Robert Redford wants us to vote those into office who will lead us out of the dark ages of Energy and into the future. We Can't Drill Our Way Out of This Mess
Many Energy ideas will be explained on these pages about: saving on gasoline, natural gas, propane, electricity, nuclear and coal power plants, radiant heat, fuels for vehicles, science, the sun, hooking up motor homes, boats and campers with battery power.
energy efficient ways to bring them into our homes and into our lives. Going Green is not free, it will require an investment to begin with, but the return will be future generations released from the bondage of Fossil Fuels, or non-renewable energy.
Eventually these fuels will all run out, so we need to wean ourselves from this Energy dead end before that happens.
As your new Energy Saving Systems begin to do their job, your Energy savings will also begin to grow. In time, this new kind of Energy will pay for itself and you will help make the Planet a little greener while you do it.
You won't need to do everything all at once, so let's take baby steps. The fastest and least expensive system to begin with would be one that heats water.
In the hot summer, have you ever left your garden hose out on the ground until the next day, thinking you'll finish the watering tomorrow? If you go back in a couple of hours, the water now coming out of that hose is really hot.
This is something like what happens in a solar panel, only the sun hits the pipe holding the water, then hits the sand, bounces back and hits the pipe again, producing lots of hot water.
Pipes in the sand work great and today there are products that work even better and are lighter.
But for now, let's go with the old sand box Idea. This box with the intense sun rays on it is the reason you can and will get hot water even in the colder weather and from the moon most nights.
You can run a hose from this panel down to a tank and another hose from the tank back up to the panel.
Then, you will start getting free hot water, not much and not fast or efficient, but soon, you will get hot water because heat rises and will push until the colder water also gets hot. During this planning stage, you can build the box called a solar panel.
Adding a valve to force the water in one direction, a low voltage pump and some piping will make this last a lot longer than your garden hose. And, it will give you a lot more hot water without the use of the power company and for a much longer period of time.
This is a very crude application just to show you a basic system that does not cost a lot of money. Before going through the expense of installing this system, you will want to learn about other ideas for producing hot water much faster, for not much more money.
An example would be, a solar panel that would heat water and produce electricity and also have a circulating pump that would run off of this electricity. For free! Another example, a holding tank that does not lose heat, to store this hot water in until it is needed.
Places to learn more: Action EDF
Alternative Energy News
Energy Current: Emerging and Alternative Energy News News for the Business of Energy
NESEA Northeast Sustainable Energy Association
New Scientist
University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems
Washington Post
For further information about any of these and other energy saving ideas, please contact me.
In Memory
My brother Joe, who died soon after
retiring from Electric Boat,
You may contact Sachem Walkingfox at:
My other web sites are at:
Last edited February 25, 2009 Inquisitive minds 2589 since July 1999 Copyright © 1999 - 2009 All rights reserved. |