Mohegan History

Walkingfox carries the Sacred fire from the
Images created for Sachem
Walkingfox are copyrighted©
Mohegan Native
From Uncas to Walkingfox
Beginning with the first Sachem
of the Mohegan People, Uncas and
continuing through the present leader
of the Storey Clan, Walkingfox,
the Mohegans have always lived
on Turtle Island in Native Country.
The name Mohegan
means Wolf.

We wish to continue to live in peace and
with Mother Earth and Father Sky,
enjoying the
of our ancestors,
without outside interference.
Tawbutni - Thank You
Aquine - Peace |

Indian Leap Falls in Norwich,
the City of Kings, Connecticut.
Uncas Leap Falls
This is a true story of just what did happen at the
Great Falls in the City of Kings, so very long ago.
Early one morning, Sachem Uncas
was at the
Cauchegan Prayer Rock
near what is now Montville, Connecticut,
where he often prayed and held court.
enemy from the North had a scout band
of their tribe hiding in the woods waiting,
for they knew that Uncas loved this place.
When Uncas arrived to pray, this leader from the North,
sent some of his braves back to the village to advise his
Chief of the their plan to attempt to capture Uncas.
leader from the North, fearing the loss of his enemy
Uncas and hoping to become a hero to his tribe,
convinced his braves to leave their hiding places
in the woods and try to capture Sachem Uncas.
enemy from the North cut off all of the paths back
to the City of the Kings, so Uncas went North.
Uncas and his men, ran until they came to the Great Falls,
which was
another prayer place for the Mohegans.
now all of the Mohegan warriors were aware of the
situation and were pursuing the Narragansetts,
or the Enemy from the
North as they were called.
These Warriors chased
Uncas to the Falls,
but not familiar with the local terrain or the area.
Sachem Uncas quickly leaped 40 foot over the falls,
landing on what is now called the prayer altar and safety.
The Narragansetts were now trapped.
They tried to jump the falls as had Sachem Uncas,
but were not successful.
Chief Rolling Thunder and Walkingfox
Sachem Uncas, good man or bad man?
If the Creator
had wanted me to be a Judge and
he/she probably does not, I could judge some of my
Ancestors as good and some of my Ancestors as bad.
Prior to the
Europeans, aka the white man,
landing on our
shores in their strange big canoes,
my people came over
from the Great Hudson River Valley
as the Monheags.
Columbus did not actually discover
the land of my Ancestors.
To my shame, they took everything as they came and
were so brutal that the Native Americans living there
at the time, called them Pequin, the Destroyers.
The White man later changed this word to Pequots.
Native people
called this country Turtle Island,
long before the arrival of the Europeans.

After Grand Sachem Wopigwooit, who died in 1631,
the next Sachem of the Pequot tribe could
have been either Uncas or Sassacus,
because of their blood lines.
Most of the tribe wanted the leadership to go to Sassacus,
and so it did. After many years, many wars and the loss
of many young braves of the great nation
of the Pequots,
Chief Uncas tried to get Sachem Sassacus to
stop the wars and make peace with the white man.
Every time they had gone to war with the white man or
neighboring tribes, they had lost many good braves.
For every white man lost,
ten more would show up to take his place.
Chief Uncas tried to explain
to his people that if they
continued on this path of war and destruction,
they would soon no longer exist.
The Trickster (Satan) had blinded the eyes of
Sachem Sassacus and most of the Nation of the Pequots.
So, Chief Uncas took all who wanted to go and moved them
across the Pequot River, now called the Thames,
to the Great Falls of the City of Kings, now called Norwich,
and named this new Clan, the Mohegans.
Now Sachem Sassacus considered Chief Uncas
and his clan, to be just another of his many enemies.
The Pequots immediately attacked the Mohegans from across
the river, in the area now known as Fort Shantok Park.
Eventually, the Europeans, aka
the white man and the
Pequot neighboring tribes grew tired of all the fighting,
joined forces and decimated the Pequot Nation.
It was at this time, that Uncas became
the Grand Sachem of the Mohegans.
During war, it was very easy for the enemy
to cross
the Mohegan/Pequot River, so
Sachem Uncas
moved a small band of the non-Royal mixed clan
of his new tribe and settled them as lookouts
in the area now known as Fort Shantok.
Mohegan - Wolf People are Woodland People
The Storey Clan is from the Algonquin Nations.
The Wolf people did not come from India.
The word Indian, is just one of the many words our Conquerors,
the Dutch and the English used to complete our genocide.
We the Mohegan Nation are proud American Natives.
By Sachem Rolling Thunder
From the
Arizona State University Archives:
Signatures of Connecticut Sachems
The signature of Sachem Uncas:

For reasons unknown, the University of Connecticut
has removed their web page about the
signatures of Connecticut Sachems.
Embarrassingly, but thankfully,
the University of Arizona remains
as the single source for this valuable
information about my Mohegan Ancestors.
*Just in case this last source also disappears,*
as so many have concerning Native people,
we have backed up the page here:
Sachem Signatures

may contact Sachem Walkingfox at:

other web sites are at:
Sachem Uncas
Sachem Uncas at Earthlink

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Last edited February 25, 2009
Inquisitive minds 2469
since July 1999
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